Welcome to my little corner of the internet! I am Breanna McHenry and I am really just another human being. Some people might call me an energy worker, a medium, a channel or a psychic but I'm really just a person who has taken the time to bring myself back home. My biggest passion is helping others find the power they hold within themselves. I do this by helping you connect to your own intuition, giving you the space to tap into your gifts and allow yourself the freedom to create from within. I love identifying areas where conditioning is holding you back, moving through blocks, and watching you transform the world around you.
I connect directly to source and flow within the quantum from there. I am here to humbly serve the divine and be a conduit for our collective growth.
It is my highest honor to bring you back home to yourself.
What People Are Saying

"It wasn’t until I started discussing manifesting with Breanna that things started happening in my (and my husbands!) lives. We have been conditioned to believe that if you work hard, you will be rewarded. We found that after going to school, becoming several hundred thousand dollars in debt for said schooling, and working several thoughtless and toxic jobs, that something had to change. After talking to Breanna about “manifesting with ease,” things started to take a shift. We stopped trying to control every aspect of life and put more trust in the universe that the things we want and need will come to us naturally. Within a few months of instilling this mantra, I was able to quit my job to stay at home with our newborn son, something I always wanted to do but did not think was financially possible, and my husband has been able to build his business and become profitable after months and months of it remaining stagnant. Once you let go of expectations and limiting beliefs, it’s magical what can happen and we thank Breanna for helping us see this!"
I can't recommend doing a reading with Breanna enough! She is so kind and considerate, and has a wonderful uplifting energy. She really has such a gift. We tackled a few different aspects of my life that I wanted clarity on. I left our session feeling so inspired and empowered.

"Coming into the session with Breanna everything felt so natural and peaceful straight away. Her presence is so soothing and safe, and I felt so at ease. I was pretty much blown away about how tuned in she was, and got even more blown away when my grandmother, who I’ve always known was with me, came in, and it made all the sense in the world. I also came in with the intention of getting clarity on a certain matter in my life, and ended up getting clarity on so much more + such great advice on how I best can move forward from here! I am so grateful for you Breanna, because you’ve REALLY helped me get started with my coaching path and everything just makes so much more sense to me now. I’ve been recommending you to so many people already, and I think you will make such beautiful impact on the world! Thank you!"